Friday, December 18, 2009

A new year,and a landmark one at that!

Hello everyone!

I just completed 25 years today! A new year always should usher in hope,and I sincerely hope for a few changes(in my personal and professional life) as well as for the world in general. Peace,contentment,friendship and Love mean much more to me than any other kind of gift and I sincerely wish that in this year of my life,I can prove to be a better daughter,a better friend,and a better human-being than what I used to be. I also want to face the new challenges that Life offers me a bit more bravely, and want to accept failure and success in the same humility of heart. I want to remember that no matter what pain awaits me this year,hope and help will always be lurking around the corner. Likewise, no matter what joy is showered on me this year,I want to remain grateful and thankful without going overboard as I tend to do sometimes. I want to remind myself that it is extremely easy to give up and part ways because of ego-clashes,misunderstandings etc etc but it is not what I want to be doing this year.This year, I want to make amends and win back some people, go the extra distance to show some individuals what they mean to me, and shower as much love as I can on those few people who have been there for me even in my darkest hours. I want to cherish all the new friendships I began in 2009 and make the bonds stronger and long-lasting. I also want to finally take the plunge that I have been secretly hoping for all these years,because I have the imagination,the vision and the passion required. Most importantly,I want to make my parents proud of me this year as their satisfaction and happiness means the world to me. And lastly, I want to tell myself that how much I love being who I am, with all my flaws,quirks,insecurities,pain and problems,and that I wouldn't want to be anybody else,because I love my Life,and I accept with open arms whatever it offers me. A very Happy 25th to You,myself!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 25th :) and hope you get success in the plunge...
