Monday, May 3, 2010

Experimenting:Stove Top Pizza

It's municipal elections time here in Kolkata and all day long some political party or the other is blasting microphones in front of my house.I have an open quiz to attend this Friday afternoon and thought I'd look up on some current affairs on the net.Last year,I missed qualifying for the finals by a whisker and this time I didn't want to take any chances.But hard luck,as I found out,since the tremendous noise from the microphones outside gave me an equally tremendous headache and I just couldn't concentrate.

So,what does a self-confessed food-obsessed person do to pass her time when she cannot work?Well,she cooks,but ofcourse! I checked on my refrigerator and found some pizza base that I had bought a few days back and were now threatening to go unusable if not used up fast.So I made a quick sauce with whatever I had on hand - some tomato puree,green bell peppers and seasoning.Just when I had finished thawing the pizza base however ,the power conked.Frustrating right? You Bet I was pissed for a few seconds,but then had a flash of an idea.

I decided to make some pizza in my most trusted Prestige non-stick pan that has never failed me in any of my experiments till date.Turned out I did the right thing,'cause even though it was nothing like the Oven made pizza,it still turned out to be crisp,juicy and a tremendously satisfying evening snack.The fact that I use less cheese(that too low fat) lessened the guilt that attacks you after you're done gobbling up your normal store-bought pizza.Best part was that everyone seemed to love it as well and now I have another interesting thing to pack in for our lunch boxes.




Fresh Pizza Base - 2
Tomato Puree - 4 tbsp
Capsicum - 1 whole chopped
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 1 tbsp
Tomato - 1/2 chopped (optional)
Shredded Cheese - 20 gms (you can add as much as you want though,I however tend to go easy)
Red chilli flakes - for topping
Salt to taste

Here's How I Made It:

1.Heat a non-stick pan and thaw the pizza base for a couple of minutes. Keep aside.
2.Heat the oil on medium flame.Add the chopped tomatoes and capsicum pieces.Stir fry for 2-3 minutes.
3.Add the tomato puree.Sprinkle salt to taste.
4.Stir lightly.The sauce will turn thick and bubbly.
5.Add some cheese at this point to the sauce if you want to.I skip.
6.Take the sauce off the flame.
7. Add a pizza base to the pan.I lightly buttered the base this time but that's optional again.
8.Spread the sauce well with the back of a flat spoon leaving the rims of the pizza base.
9.Add the cheese and red chilli flakes now.
10.Cover with a lid and lower the volume.Cook it this way for 9-10 minutes till the bread is brown and crisp and the cheese all molten.Enjoy it hot with someone you Love :)

P.S..One can try out any number of toppings on this.I only used the usable things I happened to have on hand.I might try out with onions or mushrooms and some grilled Paneer the next time.Most things work with a tomato-cheese sauce.

As I type this out,some neighbourhood boys have come over to kindly give us some Shitala Pujo Bhog.It's Hot Moong Dal Khichuri(Khichdi to rest of India) and a spicy Alu-Dum. Aah,
Divine Bliss!

If you happen to read this,and like what you see here,please feel free to leave a comment.A newbie blogger will be very encouraged and grateful.See you all in a few!

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